
Queen Bees

Mated Northern Queens $50. 2025 marked queens from locally adapted stock. Breeder queens are selected for rigor, temperament, and mite resistance (using the Harbo assay, UBeeO assay, and the previous season's mite wash numbers.) Mated queens are open mated.  Available Mid June-Early September.

Virgin Queens $25. Available by special request

Queen Cells $8. Ripe cells, pick up only. 

Nucleus Colonies 

The nuc list is open for 2025. Nucs are locally overwintered with a 2024 queen and contain 5 frames of brood in all stages and food. Nuc pick up is on the farm and will depend on the weather, with the goal of the May 24th weekend.

Honey and Wax 

Available from the roadside stand, beginning in mid July.

1 Lb. Honey $14.

4 oz. Herbal Hand Salve $5.

4 oz. Beeswax Wood Conditioner $10.

Candles Priced as Marked.